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Vision coastal lines range, what WF lines I use! Rewiev

Walking along the Gotland shorelines, covering lime rock bottom, sea weed fields and deeper edges. Just hammering with the slow intermediate like everyone else seem like an simple solution but being able to present the fly with control at the required depth and speed is just as important as what fly you use!

A fly presented close to the surface is more often than not the best idea so why do I motivate you to use other lines than slow intermediate. I like comparing fly lines both in casting quality's and the way they fish. All the lines listed below are lines I have been using a lot!

So what lines am I using and why? No line is perfect for al casting situations and no line is perfect for al fishing situations. Here are my notes on each of my Vision lines for the coast.

Christoffer Malmqvist and I was out fishing on one of the most windy days last fall.

Floating range:

A floating line is nowadays rarely used and for most people a line they only use in winter for really slow retrieves, anyhow its nothing wrong with that but I ask you to consider using it more than in wintertime, a slow retrieved fly can be good no matter season and water temperature! Also keep in mind that a line on top of the surface might be a good idea because it doesn't disturb the water in the same way as the other lines. The negative ting about a floating line is that you lose contact with the fly in big waves.

The same profile as the Kust lines but in a floating version.

XO is a new line that while writing this not yet on the market. Long belly but with a short agressive front taper. Long casting line and the 7 weight I have been testing in advance handles wind great to! High quality line and the new thing is the varying hardness of the coating on different parts of the line allowing sick tight loops! Read others review of this line

Slow intermediate range:

I use this line in big waves witch it often is on Gotland. Sinks just enough to not go up in the tip of the wave. Nice turnover and a 10 meter head is a comfortable length that still allows longer casts.

Same density as the line above but with a shorter more aggressive head. Easier for a beginner to cast with and also better in handling tough wind witch can really make a difference when you have the wind in your face. Also nice when using heavier flies like jiggy flies.

Intermediate range:

I have a 7 weight Attack line on my MAG 6/7. That is a nice line for that rod! A density something in between the others witch allows you to fish quite deep. The whole line is intermediate so a linebasket is a good idea. You can put the rod tip under the surface and you immediately fish deeper!

Sink 2 range:

When the sea is dead flat it can be tough getting the fish taking a fly close to the surface, Try this sink 2 line, this is the fastest sinking rate I use for sea trout but it's an important one! This is also the line for fast retrieves when they are chasing baitfish and are really active.

So there you have it, the lines I'm using. Off course there are other lines and brands out there and if you get the opportunity take the chance and try some lines when selecting a new one. I can really recommend these lines because they have given me such a nice time and having such an complete range can really give you an advantage out there!

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