FLY TV - Trout Fly Fishing with Big Streamers

Hi and welcome to my new blog! I want to kick things of by sharing some thoughts about the latest Fly Tv that I was a part of. It’s been out for a few days now and during these days I have been walking on clouds of all the good response from the episode. I would like to thank Daniel Bergman for introducing me to this cool and meaty articulated creations.
I remember how exited i got that time when i slightly stressed rushed in to the office at Tjuonajokk fishing lodge, with the phone cable tangled up around my arm I had Niklaus Bauer on the other end of the line. To be a part of the filming of the previous episode Fly Tv Mountain Mamas needed some temptations like pictures and videos from the pike fishing we do in Tjuonajokk. But this time the question to co-host this Fly Tv came to me like very unexpected. I knew since earlier that Daniel use to work in Tjuonajokk as a guide, it was a few years back but he is well aware what kind of fish this river holds.

The very skillful cameraman Pontus Sjölund who filmed this episode smiled when he saw all the layers of salt on my Vision Kust seven weight on the way down to the first spot. But it worked great with a Vibe 85 sink 3 witch got a short head that makes it easy to cast big flies.
Wiggletails… there is just something special about them, their volatile action have a tendency to trigger the fish to the most brutal takes on calm places. In other cases you get used to that the way the fish takes your fly is a reflection of the circumstances there in. Rough weather and big waves or a strong current the takes will be more aggressive and in calm conditions the fish will be more cautious and only be nibbling at the fly. That the wiggletails move so much probably gets the fish to feel more urgent to make a decision and the hard takes is a reflection of that. Just look at the take Daniel have right in front of the camera there in the late evening on a medium size tail - that fish is biting quite hard!

It is definitely flies I will fish more with and its going to be fun to fill a box or two full with these guys. I will be guidings in Tjuonajokk during the summer so if you are coming on a guiding please let me know if you are interested in having a closer look at targeting big trout! I would like to mention that Kaitum river have a rule that says that trout smaller than 35 centimetre or bigger than 45 centimetre must be released back into the river. It’s the most common foul I see as a river keeper up here, that fish over that 45 centimetre mark is being killed. I’m very thankful to those who help to spread the word.
Have fun out there and play around with your streamerfishing and remember Daniels words: “the main thing is to get the fly infront of the face of the fish and make it bite”
Here is the Fly Tv episode and a video when Daniel Bergman it tying the junkyard dog with a wiggletail