Polar Magnus

An effective fly for coastal seatrout, with some eyes the polar magnus becomes so much more aesthetically appealing! I caught a 63 cm post spawning male on on a polar magnus the other day, really like this fly that have that fluorescent pink color they really like but without the strong color taking over the whole flies appearance to much.
I hereby start a series of what’s in my coastal flybox, for the one interested it will all be gathered under the category seatroutflies

Polar magnus is an all-round fly that catch fish even when the water is really cold. It doesn’t need to be a big "pink piglet" (pattegris) on the line during winter. Polar magnus is an all-round fly that catch fish even when the water is really cold. There is a saying about this fly that it's never the perfect and most effective fly but that it always works. Not sure if its true but who wouldn't like to have a fly like that on the end of the line?

Material list:
Hook: Partridge CS54 #4 Tail and palmer hackle: Grizzly Rooster cape Dubbing: Fine uv ice dub pearl Front hackle: Streamer rooster neck fluo pink Eyes: 4,8 mm epoxy eyes fluo pink