Pattegris - The Pink Piglet Fly

The fly I have chosen to give light to today is a real classic in the coastal fishing, both in Gotland and in other places. It has a great visibility in the water and a nice shrimp shape which works really good when the water is cold and during the whole spring. No fly-list for sea trout is complete without it. Here you can see what materials I use when I tie them.
When selecting materials I like to have a nice blend between fluorescent and none fluorescent materials and choose to tie it with materials and style that highlight the movement in the spey hackle. Since this might be one of very few flies where some fly tiers will ever use a spey hacke just like it is for hacke on a fly I thought I make a tutorial of the fly covering everything from the beginning of selecting the materials and choosing the length of fibers.
Material list:
Thread: Textreme Power tread 50 den Eyes: Fly Eyes Nylon Medium Black or Easy shrimp eyes black
Weight: Lead free wire
Flash: Ultra Fiber Pink
Ribbing: Nylon thread 0,15 mm
Shrimp back: EP Silky Fiber

A good lenght fether for the front hackle should have a lenght of about 4 cm in the longest fibers. For the fether for the tail it should be slightly longer.

I recommend to pick the feathers al at the same time from the same region of the spey neck for several flies for the most even result. Here is enough feathers for body hackle on the next 11 pattegris I will tie.

Ad the led free wire to the hook quite near the hook eye and then start wrapping the ringneck rump hackle.

Tie the rump hackle down to where its about leveled with the barb of the hook.

Hackle the first spey feather forward and then tie it down to where the other materials are tied in. Don't use the entire feather because this will make the fly to bulky and lose movement.

Tie in one strand of the flash double folded on top of the fly and after that create a blob of dubbing for the eyes to rest on.

Attatch eyes on the fly. Make sure they stay on place, I dont like them being to far back.

Nylon line for ribbing is tied in securely and the feather for body hackle. Dub the body to a carrot shape but quite thick all the way to the hook eye.

The spey hacke is tricky to handle with its long fibers. With good hackle pliers it gets easier. Be gentle because spey hackle is a very frail material.

5 turns towards the front of the fly makes plenty! After wrapping the hackle I press all the fibers to stay underneth.

Try to tie in the shrimp back nice and neat for a good finish of the fly. I double fold a thin portion of material around the thread and steer it down exactly on top of the fly.

Wrap the ribbing with patience and use a dubbing nedle to pick out any spey hacke fibers that may be trapped. Crosscut the end of the shrimp back for best movement of the fly and brush the dubbing out gently. Whip finish and super glue. To help this fly last over time I superglue materials after tied in. The thread I use are among the strongest there is which also helps to keep the fly together.
Here on Gotland, the water is getting slightly warmer and warmer. That means that fish imitations are getting better as well. This seatrout on the picture was caught on "The J-Fly". I came up with this fly by looking on different patterns like Crazy Charlie, Jiggyfly and some other saltwater patterns. So I made a "mix" out from those flies into one, the fly includes a lot of materials and takes a little bit of time to tie... Read more